Monday, February 6, 2017

Energetic Cord Clearing

Psychic cords are condensed, tubelike energy forms with which you bond or exchange energy with another person. There are both healthy and unhealthy uses of cords. Unhealthy cords can drain your energy, dump other people's pain, emotions, pictures or thought patterns into your body for you to process. It can also cause control issues and create an over dependency of you on other people, or of them on you, as well as keep you stuck in old patterns such as low self-worth or having to earn love through sacrifice.

Without strong energetic boundaries many people, especially empathic people-  may give a small piece of themselves away to those around them, out of anger, passion or sympathy. Lacking awareness of our boundaries, they may become more of a magnet for psychic vampires. Clearing away these unhealthy cords keep others for "siphoning off your gas tank".  It is important to understand that some people do not do this on purpose or consciously. And whenever there is a cord attached it is a conscious or subconscious choice between both individuals. So now lets make a conscious choice to let them go!

Removing low vibrational or unhealthy cords can be done through several methods, and it is important to use one that feels good to you. Removing a cord is done very gently in order to elicit minimal reaction in the other person and to eliminate chances or chakra damage. I find that it is important to always do this type of work when in a calm and centered mindset.

         Let yourself relax and open to this work. Imagine yourself standing in a beautiful meadow on a warm sunny day with just a gentle breeze playing around you to keep you cool and comfortable. Spend a little time exploring your meadow and then choose the spot where you want to do this work. Draw a circle around yourself as you stand in the meadow.  The circle should be at arm's length and go right around you. You can use paint, chalk, light or whatever comes to mind. This circle delineates your space.
         In front of you, close to but not touching, draw another circle the same size, and picture the person with whom you wish to cut the ties inside it. (If you have difficulty in seeing the person clearly or if you are fearful of them, you can picture a photograph being placed in the circle).
Explain to the person why you are doing this exercise, tell them that you are not cutting off any unconditional love there may be, but that you wish to be free from the old emotional conditioning and psychic or karmic bonds that built up in the past, and any expectations in the present.
Look to see how the ties symbolically manifest themselves.  Then spend time removing them, first from yourself, healing and sealing the places where they were with light; then removing them from the other person.  Make sure you get all the ties, especially the ones around the back which you may overlook.  Pile the ties up outside the circle. Wrap healing light around yourself and the other person.
        When you are sure you have cleared all the ties, and sealed all the places where they have been, let unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance (where possible) flow between you and the other person.
Then move that other person back to their own space, out of your inner space. Let them go where they belong in their own space. (Repeat the cutting with another person if you wish or do a blank cutting to see who appears in the circle in front of yours.)
        Then gather up all of the ties and find an appropriate way of destroying them. You may wish to have a large bonfire which you throw them, you may wish to put them into a flowing river, or ask that Archangel Michael take them away and transmute them into light. Make sure you have destroyed all of these ties.
      When you have completed all the cutting you wish to do bring your attention back into the room and allow yourself plenty of time to adjust, breathing more deeply and bringing yourself into full awareness. Check that your aura is intact. Ground yourself by hooking your grounding cord deep into the earth.

Often the ties we have with other people come about through “love” relationships. Sexual contact can leave us tied to even the most casual acquaintance. But other chakras can be affected by our contacts. Some people “hook into” a particular chakra which may link to an old problem. Sexual chakras are obvious, throat problems not so obvious; they relate to someone who stifled our ability to communicate, to speak our truth. The heart chakra links to someone who affected our ability to love openly and unconditionally. So it is worth checking our chakras to see if we have any unwanted ties still in place.

Picture yourself standing against a white background. If you feel the need, place yourself in a circle of light of protection. Now have the other person come to stand next to you. If you are unsure who may be connected, ask that whichever energy/person who is keeping you stuck to step forward. Using your inner eye, check the ties between each of the chakras in turn on you and the other person. Clear and heal both chakras with a whirlpool of light after you have removed any hooks or ties. Them move on to the next pair. When all the chakras are clear, let the other person go on their way with your unconditional love.

If you find a cord in the same spot over and over again, or if it pops back in as soon as you try to push it outside yourself or remove it, it may mean that you either have a belief about or a contract/vow with the person. You may need to do this visualization again. I will be doing another post soon about releasing contracts in the future.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Vows of Poverty

Do you have a hard time holding onto Abundance and money? Does it seem that as soon as you receive it immediately falls away, or something out of nowhere requires the exact amount you just obtained? We may be holding onto a Vow of Poverty. This Vow will effect our Root Chakra which is linked into our basic needs.

A Vow of Poverty stems from underlying beliefs in both Western and Eastern religions that "money is the root of all evil" and that "the material must be shed to enhance the spiritual". Vowing a "life of poverty" is an act of faith that God will support all his children's needs. If you believe that "money is bad" or that "spirituality and money do not mix" then it is likely you are still being faithful to a Vow of Poverty-this is the past life vow which most often causes present day problems. Yet the truth is refusing money is like turning your back on God's love for you. Money can be see and an energy exchange and that you can show your love by using money for the greatest good of everyone.


1. Take some deep refreshing breaths until you are totally comfortable and relaxed in whatever position you have chosen (if should take you no more that 3 minutes to get comfortable.)

2. Allow your inner guidance to show you how this chakra became blocked by a vow in the past. Be ready to accept that this block was there for a reason in the past and be open to the knowledge. The more you resist the past knowledge or are "in judgment" the harder it will be for you to "break" its hold over your life today. For it is your resistance now which gives the past life vow its power over you.

3. Once you understand why you entered into the vow in the past, ask to be shown how this vow has served you in your life today. The truth is it only had power over you now because it still serves you in some way. Maybe it keeps you safe. Or it is teaching you how to tap more into your creativity. Perhaps it is forcing you to look for alternatives that are "outside your comfort zone" or better than you could have imagined. Thank it for the lesson because you are ready to move on.

4. Envision a ball of white light (or whatever color represents healing to you) in front of the chakra to be healed. Visualize the energy of the vow moving out of the chakra and into this healing ball as you make a new vow. It is vital that you speak this new vow out loud for its the sound of your voice which gives this or any vow its power in the universe.

5. Say aloud the new vow to the universe with pride, enthusiasm, and passion:

"In the past, I made a Vow of Poverty. I have learned much from this Vow (it would give you  better closure to repeat what you learned from the vow here). Yet in the present and for the future, I realize that this old vow of poverty no longer serves me. I now release this old Vow from my energy field and my consciousness at all levels as well as all the limitations that it has created in my life now. I now embrace a new Vow of Abundance and incorporate it into my Beingness. I ask my guides to bring me new energies of this vow into my life. I embrace the needed learnings and the wondrous changes that this new vow will bring into my life. So be it, it is so"

6. Once this new vow is completed, release the healing ball containing the old vow into the Universal Life Stream. Fill your being with love as you watch the ball disappear into the life stream.

Friday, July 1, 2016

New Moon Gem Elixir


It is a preparation of mineral water infused with the energies of the crystal with which it is fortified. Water has the ability to hold energy patterns intact for long periods of time. Imprinting the subtle healing energies of crystals onto the water needs no special equipment, just focused attention, intention and sunlight or moonlight.

The best time to start making your gem elixirs are during New Moons. Gem Elixirs can be used to balance chakras, cleanse your aura, protect your energy field, cleanse your space, open psychic awareness and much more. Creating a gem elixir during the New Moon allows us to bring into our lives the qualities of the moon including increased intuition, self-awareness, healing, magical ability and feminine power.  You can use one type of crystal or multiple in your elixir. Please use caution and do your research as some stones should not be used to make conventional gem elixirs. Do not make a conventional elixir from any stone know to contain toxins. These include but are not limited to copper, azurite and malachite, orpiment is arsenic and cinnabar contains mercury.

For this particular New Moon on July 4th,2016 we find ourselves in the sign of Cancer. Some anxieties and fears may be coming up for us so in order to combat this I am choosing to create my gem elixir using Rose Quartz and Blue Lace Agate,

ROSE QUARTZ: Love is the opposite of fear and this stone embodies the love vibration; excellent for calming, love, kindness and compassion. If you've recently had any fear revolving around emotional drama, fights, chaos, confrontations this stone will truly help to comfort your heart chakra. In addition, it helps with self love which is great for dispelling fear.

BLUE LACE AGATE: This stone is well known for its centering and calming vibrational frequencies, and works really well for reprograming your thoughts and reactions to calm and positive ones...just what you need when you are overcome by fear and may not be thinking rationally. Throat chakra stone, Blue Lace Agate allows you to speak your mind calmly and clearly to get you out of those fear-inducing conflicts or situations. Anxiety be gone!

*Pure, Spring or distilled water
*Glass jar, glass bowl, or glass pitcher (plastic not recommended)
*Something to cover the jar/bowl (optional)
*Gems (of your choice)

To make a moon/gem elixir, simply pour the water in the container with the thoroughly cleansed gems. Some people choose to place the container of water sitting in another bowl that contains the gems. 

Leave outside for several hours during the desired phase of the moon. You may choose to leave your container out, covered for 24 hours or more to get a sun and a moon cycle. After your personal desired time you can then remove the gems from the water, or the remove the jar of water from the other bowl.

A moon/gem elixir can also be made like a flower essence with brandy or cider vinegar as a preservative and stabilizer. You may choose to drink the water as is, while I like to put the water in a glass dropper or spray bottle and use that way. For best results, take three to four drops of the elixir in a glass of water three times a day, or spray under your tongue a few times a day. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Archangel Metatron

Who is Archangel Metatron?

Metatron has been described as the bridge between Heaven and Earth. As Ruler of the ancient map of consciousness known as the Tree of Life, he ushers in the life-force from higher dimensions, stepping them down into the worlds of matter while also guiding us on our return journey to wholeness.

Metatron works with Sacred Geometry and esoteric healing work. Working with these Universal energies he particularly likes to assist Highly Sensitive People (HSP, INFJ, Empath, Indigos, Crystal, and Rainbow Children). Most commonly he utilizes the Merkaba cube for healing and clearing away lower energies. The cube spins clockwise to push away any unwanted energies. Today the association of Metatron and the Merkaba is now depicted as a compilation of the Platonic Solids, which represent the basis of all physical matter.

I have really enjoyed working with him the last few years to assist me in my development as well as keep me protected and safe. I have a large Metatrons Cube on the wall in my Reiki space, that is how much I feel its power and cleansing ability. A few years ago I was introduced to this prayer after I had come back from a camping trip where we had dealt with some lower energies that against all our attempts to clear off ourselves we were unable to. After feeling very drained, depleted and unlike myself for several days I was sent this. After just one use of this visualization my energy and mood immediately shifted. I give this to all of my Reiki students and I hope you find this helpful for you.

The Metatron Prayer of Protection and Abundance
As given to Michelle Whitedove by Metatron-

This is a prayer of Visualization and spoken word. Your words will evoke matter into being as you surround yourself with Gods Protective Light and Energy.
1) Step 1- Clockwise put up your first shield –a sphere of silver light, which is the Christ Consciousness.Visualize God protecting you. See yourself encased in a 3-Dimensional bubble of silver light that encircles your entire body. As you visualize – Say a personal prayer of thanks (example: May everything that I say and do come from unconditional love and the Christ Consciousness.)
2) Now put up your second shield – Imagine a Mirrored Sphere facing OUTward, to reflect back any negativity or darkness aimed at you. This mirror will bounce the negativity right back to the sender – instant Karma. Only Love and light will penetrate this shield. As you visualize – Say a personal prayer of thanks (example: I surround myself with a mirrored sphere facing outward to repel all negativity, I give thanks for the protection of Metatron. Only Love and Light may enter my force field.)
3) The third shield is a Golden bubble of light, of the Angel kingdom.Visualize yourself embraced by the angels. Bright Gold Dust is falling all around you. As you visualize – Say a personal prayer of thanks (example: I call my guardian Angels to me, I give thanks for their, love. protection and support. I am open to hear their messages. Though God, anything that I touch, have touched, or will touch turns to gold and brings abundance)
4) Then visualize a 3-D pyramid up around you, then a pyramid facing down around you, like a three dimensional Star of David, sacred geometry. When you’ve done this, you have created your own personal lightship called the Merkaba OR Lotus Flower.
5) Now seal yourself in one giant sphere of God’s white protective light encasing all.

6) For Lightworkers: After you have completed the entire prayer you can open up your crown chakra to Mother-Father-God for a clear connection to Heaven. But only after you have already sealed yourself inside all of the shields.
Note: Please take your time and follow the steps in precise order. It will take a few weeks to really memorize the steps. Give the prayer two weeks of daily use, and you will see a difference.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Energy Centers: Solar Plexus Chakra

LOCATION: Slightly above the Navel
COLOR: Yellow
PRIMARY FUNCTION: Personal Power, Self-worth/Self-Confidence, Self Esteem

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the energy connection to our emotional and mental body, it is our personal power center, the magnetic core of the personality and ego. It functions as the storage house for the judgments, opinions, and beliefs we have gathered about ourselves and the world. These judgments, in turn, affect our self-esteem and self-confidence. Perhaps this is why this center is seen as the source of cognition, the "knowingness" that tells us how to operate within the framework or school, society, and the world. This center develops during our adolescence and regulates an inner knowing and gut instincts about things and people. This center is also where we connect with others on a subtle energy level. We pull in energy though this center whenever we meet someone or are in a new situation. The Solar Plexus is a "psychic energy pump" for the physical and non-physical bodies. Emotional and psychic balance are located at this center and thought-forms are produced here. Many highly sensitive people and empaths struggle with stomach issues as well as holding onto extra weight in their mid-section due to holding onto others energies and subconsciously building up a layer of "protection".

This Chakra, which  manages the digestive process and organs, also influences the nervous system and immune process. Digestion is a reflection of the ability to digest and assimilate everything-including thoughts. Thus, this center determines the health of both body and mind. Fire is the element associated with the solar plexus chakra. And just as fire burns and generates energy, so the solar plexus fuels our metabolism.

ASSOCIATED BODY PARTS: Stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, muscles.

PHYSICAL PROBLEMS: Indigestion, acid stomach ulcers, hepatitis, gallstones, pancreatitis, diabetes.


The Solar Plexus' emotions revolve around power. They reflect our relationship to inner strength and self-worth. These emotions help us take a stand for ourselves. If we are comfortable with our power, we will act confidently and exercise freedom of choice. If we are uncertain and doubtful about our right to our own power, we will evade situations that call for an affirmative response. While holding thoughts about power, confidence and freedom of choice, if we fail to value ourselves, our ideas about power may be inflated or deflated, depending on how we see ourselves in relation to others. When we know who we are, we cultivate power.  When we accept ourselves and know that we are worthy of love and respect we are able to stand in our power.

Issues related to the Solar Plexus Chakra
*Oversensitive; too open to others thoughts & feelings or negative psychic impressions
*A sense of vulnerability. Feelings of unease in solar plexus chakra area
*Lack of self worth
*Lack of personal boundaries
*Power issues
*Emotional neediness & conditional love
*Aggression, anger
*An overly active mental body

Low self-esteem, lack of self-trust, weak will, poor digestion, victim mentality, unreliable, unable to take responsibility, attraction to stimulants.

Overly aggressive, need to be right, bossy, power hungry, competitive, attraction to sedatives, self-centered, narcissism, hyperactive.

Responsible and reliable, healthy self-esteem, spontaneity, playfulness, sense of humor, able to make decisions and meet challenges, warmth in personality.

Each chakra also is interconnected with Intuitive of "Psychic" Gifts. In relation to the Solar Plexus Chakra we will experience Mental Sympathy. If the Chakra is balanced and in harmony we will be able to know what others are thinking or what they believe; determines belief-system causes of others' issues and provides clarification. If the Solar Plexus is imbalanced the tendency is to think others' beliefs or thoughts are one's own beliefs of thoughts.


*HEALTHY EATING- eat five to six small meals a day, each combining a healthy fat (such as olive oil or avocado), a low-glycemic carbohydrate and a protein. Because this chakra is associated with the pancreas, eat to keep your blood sugar and insulin in the normal range and avoid the current epidemic of diabetes. The pancreas is connected to all your digestive organs, so don’t overload them with toxins like alcohol, trans fats, artificial flavors and sweeteners, or pesticide foods.

*EXERCISES- any exercise that strengthens the core muscles, planks, boat pose

*RESPONSIBILITY- try to take responsibility for your life, and not blame others, circumstances, or the universe.

*MEDITATIONS-begin by visualizing a large golden globe that expands our from your belly. Allow this globe to fill your entire abdomen. See the golden light warming you and releasing tension in your stomach, gallbladder, liver and pancreas. This light reaches into the dark corners of your organs, aligning each recess with light. Breathe deeply into your body and feel the warmth of your own light take away the stress and pressures you have recently experienced. Know that you are worthy of the life you say you want. When you have expanded the form of the Solar Plexus chakra, visualize a cross of light within the circle of light. Whenever you feel too diffuse, spaced out or frightened, visualize this large golden globe in your solar plexus and seal it with a cross of light within a circle of light. It will give your protection, grounding and a sense of yourself at all times.

*GET OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE- do not be afraid to try new things. Experience of self develops from placing yourself in challenging situations.

*LEARN TO SET BOUNDARIES- be more assertive. Make decisions and stick to them.

*SPEND TIME OUTSIDE- since the Solar Plexus is associated with the Fire element, spending time out in the sun and in nature will help balance this center.

*SALT- taking a salt (epsom, sea, pink or just table) bath can help cleanse you of any thought patters or energies that you may have picked up in this center. If you do not have a bath tub (I don't) I just take a handful of salt and rub it in a circular motion the front and back of this chakra setting the intention that I am clearing it of anything that is not mine or for my highest and best good.

*REIKI OR SOUND THERAPY-energy therapy and vibrational therapy can assist with balancing and removing old energies that no longer support of serve your highest and best good.

ESSENTIAL OILS: Bergamot, Cinnamon, Clove, Fennel, Ginger, Grapefruit, Coriander, Juniper Berry
FOODS: Include yellow foods that provide enzymes for good digestion, like papayas and pineapples,  squash, beans, peppers, ginger and turmeric.
CRYSTALS: Topaz, Amber, Citrine, Yellow Calcite


Sunday, May 8, 2016

How I Became an Energy Healer

I just started a new YouTube channel and my first video explains how I got on my Soul Path and became a Reiki Energy Healer. I plan on uploading more videos so please subscribe and comment on any topics you would like to be covered!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Energy Centers: Sacral Chakra

SACRAL CHAKRA: Svadhisthana
LOCATION: Slightly below the Navel
COLOR: Orange
PRIMARY FUNCTION: Well-being, Creativity, Sexuality and the Emotional Body

The Sacral Chakra embodies the totality of our physical health and emotional well-being. This also is the Partnership Chakra. Its location at the sexual organs reflects the instinctual need to develop a specific personality, but also to reach out to others. Our psyche seeks to express itself though the Sacral Chakra. The Root Chakra represents the ground of existence; the Sacral creativity. With the second chakra energy shifts from obeying tribal authority to discovering other relationships to satisfy personal, physical needs. It controls our emotions and assists with the development of subtle feelings, choices about which feelings to feel and which to repress. Our emotional body will be affected by the messages we receive regarding our right to have and express these feelings. The Emotional, or "Feeling" body is located in our Sacral Chakra. Pleasure is another quality of the Sacral Chakra. It concerns our ability to receive and allow more pleasure into our lives. 

The function of this chakra depends on how well we take care of ourselves and know our boundaries and limitations. Proper function ensures that we harness our life force so that we can be creative and spiritual. This chakra promotes regeneration by feeding vital energy into our systems. It stimulates hormonal flow. The illnesses that originate in this energy center are activated by the fear of losing control.

ASSOCIATED BODY PARTS: Sexual organs, bladder, uterus in women, prostate in men

PHYSICAL PROBLEMS: Dysfunction of the Sacral Chakra in women can create endometriosis, as well as sterility, chronic menstrual cramping, fibroids, and problems with ovaries and cervix. In men, it can create prostate problems, infertility, sexual dysfunction and sciatica.


The Sacral Chakra has a less aggressive emotional response than the Root Chakra. This is the seat of pleasure and well-being and when we are not experiencing these emotions, frustration builds. When feelings emerge, they are often about what we desire or what we lack. This can be for love, sex, money and joy. Learning to be grateful for what we have releases much of the frustration or sense of loss held in this chakra. 

Our thoughts and feelings about certain beliefs can cause a distortion in the energy center, causing it to become either overactive or under active. Mentally this center harbors attitudes about:

*Pleasure and Sexuality 
*Physical Body

Sexuality has more constraints around it than any other single issues besides money. How people feel about these subjects has a direct result on their personal energy. When we have harsh ideas about pleasure, we will suffer deprivation and eventually, disease. 

Unemotional, guarded, self-derivation, sexual repression, poor social skills, denial of pleasure, self-sabotage, lack of desire or passion.

Excessive sex drive, compulsive behaviors, tension, frustration, overly emotional, hypersensitive, emotional dependency.

Healthy creative expression, balanced hormones, ability to experience joy and pleasure, generous and giving, nurturing to self (self-care), healthy boundaries. 

Disorders of reproductive organs, fertility, urinary system, spleen, gallbladder, kidney, mental difficulties, sexual dysfunction, lack of flexibility, deadened senses.

Each chakra also is interconnected with Intuitive or "Psychic" Gifts. In relation to the Sacral Chakra we will experience Feeling Sympathy or the most commonly definition of an Empath. If the Chakra is balanced and in harmony we will be able to feel others' emotions and are able to clearly decipher them. If our Sacral Chakra is imbalanced the tendency is to absorb others' feelings and hold them in our own bodies. 


*WATER- because this chakra is associated with the water element getting outside and relaxing near open water can help open your second chakra. Lakes, rivers, streams or the ocean are all useful. If possible, wade in or dangle your feet in the water to help the energy flow. Taking a bath or a shower can also contribute to balancing your chakra while providing the relaxation needed to keep your emotions flowing.

*RELEASE TENSION-give yourself space to express your feelings. What is unexpressed becomes suppressed deep in the energetic body creating a vibrational frequency. This frequency will then attract a situation that resonates with that frequency or more commonly known as the "law of attraction" Until you can release the emotion or tension, you will continue to attract these situation. Often people do not understand why certain situations keep happening to them over and over again. It are these suppressed feelings that are the root cause of these lessons.

*CUTTING CORDS & SEVERING DRAINING EMOTIONAL TIES- Consciously separate your energy from others by visualizing any cords that connect you, and using your intention ask all energies that are not yours to move out of your space and into the Light. Ask all energies that are yours that you have left with others or in other places to return so that you own all your power now.

*HEALING SHAME-letting go of shame or guilt around pleasure due to strict teachings or traumatic experiences can be very beneficial in healing the Sacral Chakra. Repressed sexuality or fear of pleasure can lead to imbalances, either shutting down or becoming overactive. Shame is a feeling deep within us of being exposed and unworthy. Shame can also come from parents disciplinary actions. We can proactively repair (and re-pair) the old shame memory with new experiences of self-empathy and self-compassion.

*MEDITATIONS-close your eyes and imagine a large orange pyramid lodged in your lower abdomen. The apex is pointing upwards towards the heart and the base rest on your hip bones. The four walls of this pyramid represent the qualities of well-being, deservings, pleasure, and abundance. Expand the form and intensify the color as your create a healing space for your Sacral Chakra to rest in. Release any tension through your breath and see the chakra becoming strong and resilient. 

*REIKI OR SOUND THERAPY-energy therapy and vibrational therapy can assist with balancing and removing old energies that no longer support of serve your highest and best good.

ESSENTIAL OILS: Black pepper, Cinnamon, Cypress, Tangerine, Orange, Sandalwood, Clove
FOODS: Oranges, melons, coconuts and other Sweet fruitts. Cinnamon and Tumeric are also useful, as is drinking plenty of water.
CRYSTALS: Carnelian, Citrine, Orange Calcite, Tigers Eye, Onyx